Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee acts as the supervisory body authority of the CoBi.
The tasks of the Scientific Committee are:
- Providing scientific evaluation of research projects
- Providing guidance on steps to be taken in case of individual incidental genetic findings
Prior to the approval, the research request of a Principal Investigator has to pass through a completeness check (Access Application Form) and a compliance check according the Access Policy of the CoBi.
The decision to approve a research request will be taken solely by the Scientific Committee within a time frame of four weeks and a maximum time frame of 8 weeks in the event of change requests or queries.
The Scientific Committee consists of seven votes in total and four membership groups:
- Transplantation Centres (represented by 2 votes, elected by all Transplantation Centres involved in the CoBi)
- DKMS Group gGmbH (represented by 2 fixed votes)
- Immunogeneticists (2 votes)
- Statistician (1 vote)
Projects will be evaluated exclusively with respect to the scientific merit and impact on the defined research framework of the Collaborative Biobank. Specifically, the following issues shall be evaluated:
- Is the current knowledge with respect to the research question summarized correctly?
- Is the hypothesis of the research purpose formulated precisely?
- Is the proposed methodology appropriate?
- Is the statistical plan conclusive?
- What might be the impact on future donor selection?
The Scientific Committee is quorate if at least 4 votes are cast.
For the coordination and administration of the Scientific Committee, DKMS Group gGmbH, Clinical Trials Unit undertakes all Committee Secretary Processes (e.g. compile background documents, count votes, draw-up approval notices).
Current members of the Scientific Committee:
Name | Affiliation |
PD Dr. med. Gesine Bug |
University Hospital Frankfurt, Medical Clinical II |
Prof. Dr. med. Katharina Fleischhauer |
University Hospital Essen, Haematolgy and Stem Cell Transplantation, Institute for Cell Therapy Research |
Dr. Vinzenz Lange | DKMS Life Science Lab gGmbH |
Prof. Dr. Hein Putter | Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Schetelig | DKMS Clinical Trials Unit & University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Medical Clinic I |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Stelljes | University Hospital Muenster, Head of Bone Marrow Transplant Centre |
Prof. Dr. Robert Zeiser | University Hospital Freiburg, Department of Medicine I, Haematology, Oncology, and Stem Cell Transplantation |